Worst Pills, Best Pills

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Update: ‘Removal of Dr. Wolfe From FDA Advisory Committee Meeting Is Bad Policy’

Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter article February, 2012

In the January 2012 issue, we reported that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned Worst Pills, Best Pills News editor Dr. Sidney Wolfe from participating as a member of the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee meeting discussing the risks of blood clots from the birth control pills YAZ and YASMIN. The FDA cited an “intellectual conflict of interest” to justify this action, as both these medications are listed as “Do Not Use” on WorstPills.org.

The only option...

In the January 2012 issue, we reported that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned Worst Pills, Best Pills News editor Dr. Sidney Wolfe from participating as a member of the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee meeting discussing the risks of blood clots from the birth control pills YAZ and YASMIN. The FDA cited an “intellectual conflict of interest” to justify this action, as both these medications are listed as “Do Not Use” on WorstPills.org.

The only option given Dr. Wolfe by the FDA was to be allowed time during the public session of the meeting to present his views, instead of participating as a committee member. Dr. Wolfe declined this option, as was written in his column.

However, shortly after this, the FDA reconsidered and said he could participate as a committee member but would not be allowed to vote at the meeting. Ultimately, Dr. Wolfe participated as a nonvoting member, under protest.

Public Citizen’s Health Research Group is taking steps to do away with the FDA’s ability to remove much-needed scientific and technical experts from committee participation on the erroneous grounds of “intellectual conflict of interest.”