Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

estrogen (ENJUVIA)


A comprehensive review of the safety and effectiveness of this drug. If the drug is not a Do Not Use product, information on adverse effects, drug interactions and how to use the medication are included.
Search results below include Drug and Dietary Supplement Profiles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

  • We list these drugs as Do Not Use drugs because they cause blood clots and are no more effective than other oral contraceptives in preventing pregnancy.
esterified estrogens with methyltestosterone (ESTRATEST, ESTRATEST HS)
  • We list these drugs as Do Not Use drugs because the male hormone portion of this combination drug does not add to its effectiveness.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

Postmenopausal Women Should Not Use the Conjugated Estrogens and Bazedoxifene Combination (DUAVEE)
January 2021
We previously designated Duavee as “Do Not Use for Seven Years” because, at the time of its approval by the FDA in 2013, it did not represent a clear clinical breakthrough over standard hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women. Learn why we have now updated our designation of the drug to Do Not Use.
Responsible Disposal of Prescription Drugs
May 2016
For various reasons, many prescribed medications go unused. Such leftover medications can pose a hazard to family members, especially young children, and the environment. Find out the best ways to safely dispose of unused prescription medications.
DUAVEE, Hot Flashes and Bone Health
September 2015
Learn why the new combination of conjugated estrogens plus bazedoxifene (DUAVEE) is a bad choice for treating hot flashes and improving bone health in menopausal women.
Risks of Ospemifene For Menopause-Related Pain During Intercourse
June 2014
Learn about the dangers of the heavily promoted drug ospemifene (OSPHENA), which was recently approved by the FDA to treat pain during sexual intercourse, and about much safer alternatives for treating this condition.
April 2014
Do not use the contraceptive drug NUVARING. Multiple studies have shown increased risk of blood clotting with drugs from the same family as NUVARING, and some have shown increased risk with NUVARING itself. Learn about safer, equally effective forms of contraception that are widely available.
Drug Mix-Ups
June 2011
This article lists 355 drugs with names that are often confused with similar-sounding drug names. Find out what you can do to prevent getting the wrong drug.
29 Medications That May Cause Adverse Interactions with Thyroid Drugs
September 2008
Thyroid medications are among the most widely-prescribed drugs in the U.S. In this article, we review 29 different medications that can have harmful interactions with thyroid medicines such as levothyroxine (Synthroid). There are four major kinds of interaction problems that can occur: • Certain medications can decrease the absorption of levothyroxine resulting in lower levels in the blood. • Other medications can increase the rate at which the body gets rid of levothyroxine, also resulting in lower thyroid levels in the blood. • Other medications can cause changes of levothyroxine binding in blood, decreasing the body's ability to use levothyroxine. • Levothyroxine can affect the safety or effectiveness of other medications by raising or lowering the levels of these other drugs in the blood, causing them to be either infective (lower levels) or dangerous (higher levels).
Black Cohosh Does Not Relieve Symptoms of Menopause
March 2007
There is reliable evidence that products containing black cohosh do not help menopausal symptoms compared to no treatment at all and there is growing evidence of substantial harm, such as liver toxicity, with the use of this dietary supplement.