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gatifloxacin (TEQUIN)


Search results below include E-Alerts where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.


Search results below include Disease and Drug Family Information where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Antibiotics (drugs used to treat bacterial infections) are overwhelmingly misprescribed in the United States. Despite congressional hearings and numerous academic studies on this issue, it has become the general consensus that 40 to 60% of all antibiotics in this country are misprescribed. New studies continue to confirm the fact that a large proportion of antibiotic prescribing for both children and adults continues to be inappropriate.
One of the biggest-selling and most overprescribed classes of drugs in the United States is the family called fluoroquinolones. One clue that a drug your doctor wants to give you is in this class is the fact that the generic names of all such drugs approved in the United States include the sequence floxacin. These drugs have been alternatives for individuals allergic to, or with infections resistant to, other antibiotics. Some fluoroquinolones are commonly misprescribed for colds, sore throats, bladder infections, or community-acquired (as opposed to hospital-acquired) pneumonia.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Associated With Increased Risk of Retinal Detachment
July 2012
Find out the most common symptoms of the vision-threatening condition retinal detachment and how, although rarely, it can be caused by commonly used antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) and levofloxacin (LEVAQUIN). We also discuss evidence that these antibiotics are overused.
Update on Withdrawals of Dangerous Drugs in the U.S.
January 2011
This article lists 11 of the prescription drugs that we warned Worst Pills, Best Pills News subscribers not to use before they were banned by the FDA. Subscribers knew an average of 3.3 years before the FDA acted that these medications were unsafe to use.
Drug-induced Cognitive Impairment: Part 2: Delirium and Dementia
April 2009
This second article about drug-induced dementia or delirium lists and discusses an additional 79 drugs that can cause these reversible kinds of mental deterioration. The two articles collectively review 136 drugs that can cause these serious side effects, especially in older people.
FDA Must Warn Patients Taking Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics of Possible Tendon Ruptures
October 2008
After a petition and lawsuit by Public Citizen's Health Research Group, the FDA announced in July that it will require a “black box” warning concerning tendon rupture and tendinitis caused by fluoroquinolone antibiotics, as well as an FDA-approved medication guide to be dispensed when prescriptions are filled. Although this accomplishes two of the three steps Public Citizen has urged the agency to take for nearly two years, we are troubled that the FDA is not doing everything within its power to prevent more people from needlessly suffering disabling tendon ruptures. Nothing could be simpler and more effective than a letter to doctors in addition to what the FDA has already agreed to do.
FDA Issues New Warnings For Muscle Spasm Drug Tizanidine (ZANAFLEX)
August 2007
The muscle spasm drug tizanidine (ZANAFLEX) combined with certain other drugs could cause serious complications such as drowsiness and can dramatically lower blood pressure, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The article lists 20 drugs to avoid if you are using Zanaflex so that you avoid these potentially dangerous interactions.
Public Citizen Urges FDA to Warn Consumers About Risk of Tendon Rupture Associated With Certain Antibiotics
November 2006
You should stop taking fluoroquinolones(listed in the article) and immediately contact your physician if you experience pain in any tendon while taking one of these antibiotics so you can be switched to another antibiotic.
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Implicated in Life-Threatening Diarrhea
February 2006
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is quite common and its incidence varies from 5% to 20% of patients depending on which antibiotic they are taking. The article lists some of the drugs most associated with this potentially life-threatening adverse reaction.
Serious Blood Sugar Reactions With the Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Gatifloxacin (TEQUIN)
February 2006
On Dec. 21, 2005, the Canadian equivalent of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Canada, warned the public and healthcare professionals of serious cases of both low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) with the use of the fluoroquinolone antibiotic gatifloxacin (TEQUIN).
Drug Induced Peripheral Neuropathy From The Fluroquinolone Antibiotics
December 2004
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that the professional product labeling, or package inserts, for all fluroquinolone antibiotics must warn about the possibility of peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage). A list of the fluroquinolone antibiotics currently available in the U.S. appears at the end of this article.
Drug Interaction Reminder: Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics and the Anticoagulant (Blood Thinner) Warfarin (COUMADIN)
September 2004
You should consider that all fluoroquinolone antibiotics have the potential to interact with warfarin and your physician should be ordering blood tests to monitor the status of your blood clotting if one of these antibiotics is needed and you are using warfarin. This is the safest thing to do.
Drug-Induced Taste Disorders
September 2003
DO NOT stop taking any of the drugs listed in the table without first consulting your physician. You should report any alteration in your sense of taste to your physician if you are taking a drug.
Inappropriate Prescribing Of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), Gatifloxacin (TEQUIN), And Others
July 2003
In this study, the researchers evaluated 100 consecutive patients who went to the emergency room and received a prescription for a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Of the 100 patients, 81 (81%) received a fluoroquinolone antibiotic for an inappropriate use. In 43 (53%) of these patients, a fluoroquinolone was found inappropriate because another antibiotic was considered first-line treatment, and in 27 (33%) patients there was no evidence of an infection and therefore no indication for the use of any antibiotic.
Stronger Warnings for the Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Gatifloxacin (TEQUIN)
May 2003
Stronger warnings have been added to the professional product label, or “package insert,” for the fluoroquinolone antibiotic gatifloxacin (TEQUIN) about possible heart rhythm disturbances and problems with blood sugar control. This drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October 2001 and its marketing brought to nine the number of fluoroquinolone antibiotics on the market.
Do Not Use! The Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Gatifloxacin (TEQUIN)
July 2002
The approval of gatifloxacin(TEQUIN) in October 2001 brought to nine the number of fluoroquinolone antibiotics on the market, and this drug joins sparfloxacin (ZAGAM) and moxifloxacin (AVELOX) as fluoroquinolones that can cause a dangerous abnormality in the heart’s electrical conduction known as QT prolongation that can lead to fatal heart rhythm disturbances such as torsade de pointes.


Search results below include Additional Information from Public Citizen where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

FDA Must Do More to Warn Patients Taking Flouroquinolone Antibiotics of Possible Tendon Ruptures
Statement of Sidney Wolfe, M.D., Director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen
Antibiotic Leads to Tendon Ruptures; FDA Ignores Risks
Despite long-standing evidence that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause tendon ruptures, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has failed to increase its warnings to patients and physicians about the dangers of the medicines, Public Citizen told a federal court Thursday.
Public Citizen Petitions the FDA to Include a Black Box Warning on Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics (HRG Publication #1781)
Public Citizen, representing more than 100,000 consumers nationwide, hereby petitions the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 21 U.S.C. Section 355(e)(3), and 21 C.F.R. 10.30, to immediately add a black box warning regarding the risks of tendinopathy and tendon rupture to the product labels of all fluoroquinolone antibiotics presently on the market in the United States.
Petition to the FDA to Immediately Ban the Antibiotic Gatifloxacin (Tequin) (HRG Publication #1768)
Petition by Joseph Baker, M.D., M.P.H., Sidney Wolfe, M.D. and Peter Lurie, M.D., M.P.H.