Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

perphenazine (TRILAFON)


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Some Antipsychotics Elevate Breast Cancer Risk, a Large Study Confirms
July 2022
Many studies have suggested that breast cancer risk, via prolactin elevation, is increased by antipsychotic medications, but the results were mixed and warranted further, more rigorous investigation. A recent, large observational study has added stronger evidence that certain antipsychotic medications increase breast cancer risk.
Medications That Induce Breast Enlargement in Men
May 2019
For men, abnormally large breasts can be distressing and embarrassing. Find out about the numerous drugs that can cause breast enlargement in men.
Preventing Heat-Induced Death and Illness
June 2018
This article lists practical steps to take to avoid death, hospitalization or other medical problems caused by heat stress. It also identifies over 100 drugs that can impair your response to heat and thereby increase your risk of heat-induced illness and death.
Preventing Heat-Induced Death and Illness
June 2012
This article lists practical steps to take to avoid death, hospitalization or other medical problems caused by heat stress. It also contains a list of 123 drugs that can impair your response to heat.
Drug-Induced Acute Akathisia (Restlessness)
April 2011
The article lists 27 drugs that can cause akathisia, a condition characterized by muscular quivering and the inability to sit still. Other signs of the condition include fidgety movements, leg swinging while sitting, rocking from foot to foot or pacing and motor restlessness.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
December 2010
The article describes the symptoms of the life-threatening neurological disorder neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and lists 40 different prescription drugs that have been found to cause it.
Aripiprazole (ABILIFY) Drug Interactions
April 2010
The article lists 53 drugs that can interact with the psychiatric drug ABILIFY to either increase the amount in the body, which can lead to toxicity, or decrease the amount rendering the drug less effective.