Worst Pills, Best Pills

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Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Used as a Glaucoma Treatment, Beta-Blocker Eye Drops May Cause Serious Adverse Reactions in Some Patients
November 2006
You should not use beta blocker eye drops to treat glaucoma if you have pre-existing breathing or certain heart conditions.
Breathing Problems In Older Adults Using Beta-Blocking Eye Drops For Glaucoma
February 2003
Beta-blockers, a family of drugs frequently prescribed for high-blood pressure, are also very useful (as eye drops) in controlling elevated pressure in the eye (glaucoma). Because beta-blocking drugs, including the topical products, affect both the heart and the lungs these drugs should not be used in patients with bronchial asthma or a history of that disease