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February 5, 2013

Here is an important message for anyone who has young children in the house and has purchased Triaminic Syrup or Theraflu Warming Relief Syrup products.

On Jan. 31, 2013, pharmaceutical manufacturer Novartis Consumer Health, Inc., announced a voluntary recall of certain lots of over-the-counter Triaminic Syrups and Theraflu Warming Relief Syrups manufactured in the U.S. before December 2011.

The child-resistant bottle caps of some of these products can fail,...

February 5, 2013

Here is an important message for anyone who has young children in the house and has purchased Triaminic Syrup or Theraflu Warming Relief Syrup products.

On Jan. 31, 2013, pharmaceutical manufacturer Novartis Consumer Health, Inc., announced a voluntary recall of certain lots of over-the-counter Triaminic Syrups and Theraflu Warming Relief Syrups manufactured in the U.S. before December 2011.

The child-resistant bottle caps of some of these products can fail, allowing children to open the bottles and ingest the medication, which could lead to serious health consequences.

Medication bottles should always be stored in a locked container box or cabinet out of the reach of small children. They should never be left out on a counter or table, where they may be accessible to young children. For more information on preventing harm by locking up medications, visit the Food and Drug Administration’s online video on the topic at www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm272905.htm.

If you suspect that a child has accidentally ingested a medication, immediately contact your local poison-control center (1-800-222-1222) and the child’s health care provider. If the reaction appears serious, call 911.

For more information on the Novartis recall, including a list of affected lots and instructions on returning recalled products for a full refund, visit the Novartis website at www.novartisOTC.com, or call 866-553-6742 (Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to midnight, Eastern time). A list of lot numbers for the recalled products is available at www.novartisotc.com/triaminic_theraflu_recall_2013.pdf.