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November 5, 2010

The FDA issued a new warning about the risk of fractures from osteoporosis drugs.

Two years after WorstPills.org readers found out about this danger, the FDA issued a warning and updated the labels and medication guides for the following bisphosphonate osteoporosis medications: Actonel (generic name: risedronate), Aredia (generic name: pamidronate), Boniva (generic name: ibandronate), Didronel (generic name: etidronate), Fosamax (generic name: alendronate),...

November 5, 2010

The FDA issued a new warning about the risk of fractures from osteoporosis drugs.

Two years after WorstPills.org readers found out about this danger, the FDA issued a warning and updated the labels and medication guides for the following bisphosphonate osteoporosis medications: Actonel (generic name: risedronate), Aredia (generic name: pamidronate), Boniva (generic name: ibandronate), Didronel (generic name: etidronate), Fosamax (generic name: alendronate), Reclast (generic name: zoledronic acid), Skelid (generic name: tiludronate) and Zometa (generic name: zoledronic acid).

Read the full FDA safety alert.

What you can do
If you are taking one of these bisphosphonate drugs for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis, pay attention to any unexplained pain in the thigh or groin area as it may indicate an atypical fracture which should be reported to your health care provider.

Do not discontinue any medication without talking to your doctor.