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Drug Profile

Do NOT stop taking this or any drug without the advice of your physician. Some drugs can cause severe adverse effects when they are stopped suddenly.

Do Not Use [what does this mean?]
Generic drug name: sulfacetamide and prednisolone (sul fa SEE ta mide and pred NISS oh lone)
GENERIC: available FAMILIES: Adrenal Steroids, Other Drugs for Bacterial Infection
Find the drug label by searching at DailyMed.

Alternative Treatment [top]

An antibiotic alone, if necessary.

Facts About This Drug [top]

These are eye drops that contain two drugs, sulfacetamide and prednisolone. The drops are used to treat some eye and eyelid infections caused by bacteria or allergies. There is no persuasive proof that they are beneficial for this purpose.

This combination is like several others that contain a drug from the corticosteroid family (in this case prednisolone) and one from the antibiotic family (in this case sulfacetamide). In general, combinations like this are not recommended for treating...

These are eye drops that contain two drugs, sulfacetamide and prednisolone. The drops are used to treat some eye and eyelid infections caused by bacteria or allergies. There is no persuasive proof that they are beneficial for this purpose.

This combination is like several others that contain a drug from the corticosteroid family (in this case prednisolone) and one from the antibiotic family (in this case sulfacetamide). In general, combinations like this are not recommended for treating eye infections externally.[1] Corticosteroids like prednisolone may actually be dangerous because they can hide the signs of an infection or make it spread. For serious eye infections, sulfacetamide may not be as effective as other antibiotics.

last reviewed January 31, 2024