Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements


March 14, 2012

Now is the time to add an online subscription to your print subscription and gain access to a wealth of extra features and information

Breaking news alerts
With an online subscription, you can also get email alerts for drug recalls, newly discovered product dangers and recently designated “Do Not Use” drugs.


Consumer guides
A fully informed consumer will make the best health choices. To aid in this process, we offer seven guides to educate consumers, including:

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Now is the time to add an online subscription to your print subscription and gain access to a wealth of extra features and information

Breaking news alerts
With an online subscription, you can also get email alerts for drug recalls, newly discovered product dangers and recently designated “Do Not Use” drugs.


Consumer guides
A fully informed consumer will make the best health choices. To aid in this process, we offer seven guides to educate consumers, including:

Access to all drug profiles
We also offer a searchable database with profiles of over 500 drugs and supplements, detailing their risks and benefits and updated every six months. See below:

drug profile

Access to past issues
With an online subscription, you can view past issues dating back to January 2004 whenever you need them.


Click here to add a subscription to WorstPills.org to your print newsletter subscription for just $12.